V pomoč begunkam iz Ukrajine – Nasveti in podpora za nosečnice in matere, ki so v duševni stiski, preko video klicev
Advice and support for pregnant women and mothers of babies in mental distress by video call
– If you are pregnant or a mother of a baby and you’re feeling sad, worried or feel tightness in your chest, turn to our advice and support in mental distress –
It’s free-of charge and confidential. The support is available in English. If you have the opportunity, someone you trust can be with you and translate into your language. The video call is also available for the loved ones or relatives of pregnant women or mothers of infants who find themselves in a mental distress situation.
If you are in need of a conversation, we offer you psychological help, support, advice by video call.
Dr. Zalka Drglin is a consultant for perinatal distress with many years of experience. She works at the NIJZ as a researcher in the field of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and motherhood.